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My Famil

2019-10-05作者:牛末王推荐访问:英语作文 小学生作文
本文是一篇英语作文参考范文;文章内容主题明确、字迹工整、书写语言简练流畅,是同学们参考学习的好资料。具体「My Famil」全文内容请见下面详细文字...

My Family is a good family , My Family is a happy family too .My Famil have four people , Thay are my father , my mother ,my grandmother and I ,Thi is my family photo , I like my famil photo ,My father is a policeman ,My mother is a housewife ,I am a student , I am in XiDiMiddle ,I am in Class 3 , Grade 7 , I have a computer , My father has a commputer too , My father is dusy, My family is a good family , I like my family.