Christmas tree150字

2019-07-30作者:江大桥推荐访问:英语作文 小学生作文
本文是一篇英语作文参考范文;文章内容主题明确、字迹工整、书写语言简练流畅,是同学们参考学习的好资料。具体「Christmas tree150字」全文内容请见下面详细文字...

Frist : We buy a pine tree first.

And then: We erect it.

Secondly: We hang with the neon on the pine tree.

And then: We hang with a few small ornaments products on the tree.

Again then: We readjust oneself to a certain extent with the star in the pine tree top.

At last: We readjust oneself to a certain extent low with the gift in the pine tree.

Such has made a Christmas tree right away , schoolmates have also tried!